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217 records performances michael maglaras in performance spoken word performance
poetry performance

To book a reading please contact 217 Records.

song of hiawatha performance maglaras performs Introduction from The Song of Hiawatha performed by Michael Maglaras

In this video, Michael Maglaras performs the introduction from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha. This excerpt was filmed at Michael Maglaras's historic six-and-a-half hour live reading of the complete poem to a sold-out audience at the St. Lawrence Arts Center in Portland, Maine on December 1, 2007.


barbara freitchie performed maglaras performs whittier Michael Maglaras reads Barbara Frietchie

Michael Maglaras reads John Greenleaf Whittier's poem Barbara Frietchie. This performance was recorded before a live audience at the St. Lawrence Arts Center in Portland, Maine on Sunday, December 12, 2010


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spoken poetry cd spoken word video
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watch song of hiawatha watch barbara freitchie